Sunday, January 17, 2010

Me the Chair?!?

I've been sitting on the Parks board on and off now for what seems like like ten years. I guess when it's all added up, between my time off the board and my time on I've been a member of the Bellingham Parks and Rec Advisory Committee for nearing a decade.

Still it was a bit of a shock when it came to vote as our current Chair's term was expiring in 2010. When that particular point of business came up in the agenda in January and it was announced we needed nominations for a new Chair, all eyes turned to me. It was pretty clear what all these gazes meant. They expected me to accept the position next. Ask me in a year if all those gazes are a good thing or a bad thing.

So instead of wondering why would a guy like me with a full time job, 3 kids and an unruly 60 lb puppy would say yes to such a thing, I bowed to the pressure of 12 different sets of eyes. After probably not enough thought I said, "sure I'll do it"

Crazy-me the Chair of the Bellingham Parks and Recreation Advisory Committe.

Mountain Biking has come a long way.

